Wednesday, June 06, 2007

An ever expanding circle

Tonight was one of those nice nights where more and more people keep turning up and we slowly expand out further and further. There was plenty to look at too. One knitter came with a marvellous golden-burnished patterned bag which they had made themselves and then proceded to pull out of it a book of elegant Louisa Harding patterns and some deliciously soft Sirdar Baby Bamboo for a skinny lace scarf. She wasn't the only one with eye-catching yarn though. A multi-coloured bulky yarn in nice deep colours was on the way to becoming a pair of really cosy socks or slippers and a nice soft fuzzy green-turquoise-blue Gedifra yarn was cast on to become a Stich'n'B*tch Sparkly hat with reflective disc beads.

There were a couple of Rowan patterns on the needles this week with a simple elegant cardigan from the new Cotton Jeans yarn and the Kashmir lace shawl design in a cashmere merino silk yarn. There was more lace to be found in the Flacon doilie pattern knit in a subdued pink yarn and more cashmere was present in a diagonal rib scarf from a teal cashmere and wool blend. An old favourite, Cotton Tape, was becoming the second sleeve of an appealing bright blue cardigan.

There were plenty of innovative and unusual traditional skills present. Carrier bags were cut into long spiralling strips for knitting into scarves and two person 15th Century fingerbraiding made its first appearance at City Knitty. Following instructions from a manuscript written by a 15th century englishwoman a chevron and then a broad cross and eyelet pattern were created. These were the techniques used for the bookmarks in books of that time. It looked really good fun.

Have a good week and please come and join City Knitty and HK as we knit and picnic on the Bruntsfield Links for World Wide Knitting in Public day this Saturday (June 9th) from noon onwards. We shall be knitting for the Innocent Smoothie Help the Aged campaign among other things.

See you there,



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